Tuesday, October 04, 2005

All about: The Mighty Squish! - by CSBlakebrough (the mighty ones official biography!)

Yes, he's a hedgehog, but that doesn't stop him.

Yes, he might look cute and cuddly but he hides a dark secret - He wants to take over the World and will not let anyone stand in his way!
So he's taken up residence here with me and set up this blog as means to spread his propaganda, relate his adventures and share his pictures.

So be sure to watch out for those!

In the meanwhile however till those start to appear here's his full Bio:
Name: Squish T. Blakebrough Esq. (aka The Hoggod)
DOB: 20th May 2004 (okay this is actually when he came to live with us and is his 'official' birthday, nobody actually knows what his 'real' birthday actually is!)
Height: 'of nonsense'
Eyes: 2
Sex: "No thank you, hate mushy stuff!"
Likes: Chips*
Hobbies: Taking over the world and being nice to Chip shop owners who give freebies to hedgehogs!
Soundbite: "Eat Chips, Drink Fizzy Pop, I Rule, You have smelly feet, Come here while i bite yer ankles, PSSSTTTTT!!!" (yep that's him blowing a raspberry)
Friends: Mummy & Daddy Blakebrough (adopted!), Bob T Hedgehog (his actual Dad recently returned from his own long distance adventures!), Mother Squish (who lives across town in a camper van!), Rocket the Bear (adopted Brother), Sherbert (a beanie buddy bear and Squish's 'Enforcer'), his backing band from his rock music career, Nats, Kelly, Erik Bloodaxe & the patrons of the Stargate message board ("Hi pgw!") and the dog next door!
Plus most peple who ever meet him
And not forgetting the fairies who live at the bottom of the Garden - He loves to chase them!
Enemies: Our Postman, traffic Wardens and his Arch-Nemesis Squash!

*It should perhaps be noted that Squish saying he likes Chips is a bit like saying Pele wasn't bad at playing football - He loves chips and eats nothing else** he gets violent if he doesn't get his fix and did in fact once stage a hostile take over of the local chippy (that mis-adventure to be posted in a future blog).

**Actually that's not entirely true, occasionally he will stun us all by eating something else (usually chocolate cake) really enjoying it and then the following day claiming he doesn't like it! 'Faddy' isn't the word!


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